Milosz Nowaczyk
Licensed Massage Therapist in New York
Therapeutic Massage for man and woman In call House call Massage in NYC, Astoria, LIC and more
There are 3 primary reasons why people are looking for a massage in New York City:
relief of pain (therapeutic massage), relieve stress (relaxation massage) and enhance performance (sports massage).
#1. The relief of pain & discomfort : therapeutic massage
The most common causes of back pain are heavy lifting, repetitive movements, prolonged standing or sitting at the computer. Chronic pain & discomfort can drain you physically, emotionally and even financially if you can't go to work. Massage Therapy is one of the best ways to reduce shoulders, back and neck pain. Deep Tissue Massage or Trigger Point Therapy can effectively address pain and discomfort of many common problems (i.e. carpal tunnel, sciatica, fibromyalgia). Regular massage can significantly improve your health and well-being. No wonder is called a therapeutic massage!
#2. Relieve stress : relaxation massage
New York is a great city, but living and working in NYC can be challenging, demanding and stressful. Stressed out new yorkers can
experience headaches, insomnia, trouble focusing, short of breath, anxiety, depression and more. Relaxation massage can be amazingly effective when it comes to relieving stress. A good Swedish massage can help to relax your body, clear your mind, balance of energy flow, turn your thoughts more positive, increase your level of happiness, so you feel light and energized again! Stress reduction session often beside the classic Swedish massage techniques includes also reflexology (foot massage) and aromatherapy treatment.
#3. Enhance performance : sports massage
No matter what sports or activities you like to engage in, walking, hiking, biking, weight lifting, skiing or running NYC marathon, sports massage can help you to be ready for physical activity and reach your peak performance. Today, many professional and recreational athletes in New York consider regular sports massage an essential part of their training. It helps them to enhance their performance and endurance, reduce soreness, prevent injuries and decrease recovery time. A combination of sports and deep tissue massage can be an effective treatment for reducing muscle spasm, cramps, knots, pain, and swelling.
“I have received over eighteen hundred hours of massage education. I have been trained in Therapeutic Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue, Thai Massage, Sports Massage and more.”
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I offer In call massage at my studio in Queens - Astoria/Woodside. I also provide Out Call / House Call Massage in New York area.
“Milosz is magic, no matter what what my problem, may it be lower back or knee pain this man is amazing. I have tried others in the past and Milosz is become my steady I usually have a massage from him every two weeks. He puts 110% of him self into his work..."
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Regular massage – yes, but how often?
There is no question that massage is very beneficial for physical and mental well-being. Also, without a shadow of a doubt, a regular and controlled therapy is much better than just a random one-off treatment. But the question how often one should receive a massage to get the most out of it inevitably comes up. So what’s the right duration and frequency to maintain the balance of your body and mind? read more